Quem somos

Somos uma rede filantrópica colaborativa de colecionadores e músicos.

Uma comunidade que se conheceu e se comunica virtualmente, unidos em torno de uma paixão comum, o forró tradicional.

Quer saber mais da nossa história?
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Um grade abraço,
DJ Ivan

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Searching for the musics and the albuns

To find the information that you are looking for, you should use the search functions of the website.

There are some ways to search and find specific music, photos, interviews, etc.

– Remember: To listen to the music, you must first download and unpack the files.


01. Search by using a key word:

– When using the search function and entering a keyword, all posts with the searched keyword will be displayed.
Example: If you enter a music title, the search system lists all albums with the music you are looking for.



02. Search by Categorys:

– When searching by category, all posts belonging to the category you are looking for will be listed.
Example: If you click on the LPs link, the system lists all available albums in Long Play format.


03. Search by tag ‘Artist’:

– The search using the 'artist' tags will show you all the posts by that specific artist.
Each tag has a quantity of posts, for example: Abdias(71), which means that there are 71 posts by this artist.
Example: If you click on the link 'Abdias', the system lists all the contributions of this artist, as photos and albums, in different formats, depending on the year in which they were published.

tag artista

04. Search by tag ‘Date’:

– The search using the ‘date’ tags will show you all contributions of the respective year.
Example: If you click on the link "1950", the system lists all contributions published in that year, with different artists and stamps.

tag data


05. Search by tag ‘Stamp’:

– The search using the 'Stamp' tags will list all albums published with that particular stamp.
Example: If you click on the link 'AMC', the system will list you all the records released by this stamp, with different artists and dates. (This also happens when you click on the links of other stamps, such as Copacabana, RCA and Rozemblit, etc.)

tag selo

We hope that these tips can help everyone find what they are looking for in the world of forró.