Quem somos

Somos uma rede filantrópica colaborativa de colecionadores e músicos.

Uma comunidade que se conheceu e se comunica virtualmente, unidos em torno de uma paixão comum, o forró tradicional.

Quer saber mais da nossa história?
Continue navegando neste portal.

Um grade abraço,
DJ Ivan

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How to support us?


Forró em Vinil is the largest web platform for Forró music worldwide for free download! We are a philanthropic network of musicians and vinyl collectors who love the traditional branch of Brazilian rhythm called Forró. Our collection is available for download, for free!

Please help ‘Forró em Vinil Blog’ been alive.

There is some ways to contribute to our work:

This is the easiest way to contribute. If you can make a financial contribution, you should know that we will use this amount to pay for the maintenance costs of the website and possibly to buy more albums that will be published here. There is no minimum amount to donate. You can donate as much as you wish and can.
Sending discs
A great way to contribute to our work is to send new albums. It doesn't have to be the disc itself, it can just be the digital file, with the music, cover images and some information about it, which allows us to publish it here. Many people have contributed in this way, making our virtual collection more and more complete.
Telling your friends
If you can't make a financial contribution and don't have any albums to send us, you can help us making all your friends, acquaintances, neighbours and family aware of us…. We need more people to know about our project. The more people who know,
listen to and dance Forró, the better the spread of the Forró Pé de Serra style. Please help us to support this basic idea.
If you have ideas, suggestions and would like to contribute to our work in any way, we are at your disposal. Please send us anemail: click here.

We thank all Forró fans for visiting, downloading and supporting the project “Forró em Vinil”.

Forró em vinil Blog cost:

R$ 440,00*

In March/2019:
1 euro = 4,3 reais

* This expense is calculated considering an dedicated Windows Server 2008 R2 64-Bit, Intel Core i5, 8 GB, 2x1TB, 10TB Bandwidth. The full value is R$ 440,00.