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DJ Ivan

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Book – What is Forró? – Text by Ivan Dias and Sandrinho Dupan (2017)

What is forró - cover

It is a great pleasure to share the book “What is Forró?”, english version, that shows the basis and a little bit of history, music and dance. It has been released by Editora LATUS, that is an cultural label of Eduepb, Universidade estadual da Paraíba.

The book talks about the origin, the meanings of the word Forró, the main rhythms, basic steps for the dance, its evolution since the 1940s until now and its main artists.

It is a book thas has been writed in partnership with the musician and researcher Sandrinho Dupan, from Campina Grande – PB. Revision and final text by Fernando Moura, journalist, researcher and writer, from de João Pessoa – PB.

Special thanks to our friends who helped on translation: Chinedu Okoye, Melanie Buschmann and Prof. Dra. Marta Costa.

To download this book, click here.

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